The #development of #misogyny in #society #sociology #evolution #arwil #awillis4 #hashnode #autoit #sim #gaming

The #development of #misogyny in #society #sociology #evolution #arwil #awillis4 #hashnode #autoit #sim #gaming

The #development of #misogyny in #society #sociology #evolution #arwil #awillis4 #hashnode #autoit #sim #gaming

The #development of #misogyny in #society #sociology #evolution #arwil #awillis4 #hashnode #autoit #sim #gaming

One might assume, without previous experience that any society, of any animal may develop the social traits of misoandry in a society. One may assume that a culture may lean this way because if male offsprings are present, then they are the male offsprings of females.

But due to some specific conditions, misogyny develops and becomes prevalent in society. The reasons for this are

Handicaps of females

In the wild, there are different developments of biology, which may occur for their many various reasons. When animals evolve, thru natural selection and environmental pressures, an animal may develop beneficial traits, and they may develop deleterious traits.

In some cases, these traits extend to the development of the genital features, or organs. In which case, the genital features of an animal may evolve beneficial traits, or deleterious traits. In addition, they may develop more or less optimal parameters of their organs according to environmental pressure.

For example, the development of reptiles genital structures apart from fish caused reptiles to develop calcified eggs. Reptiles reproductive organs devote calcium to the formation of the egg shells. The result is retention of moisture in dry environments and risk of sharp calcium eggs cutting the birth channel upon exit. Fish eggs on the other hand are immersed in moisture and are not calcified by the fish.

Along time ago, marsupials and mammals, for another example, diverged in their evolution from a distant common ancestor group of therians, but while marsupials develop and give birth to embryos in days who can function easily outside if the womb, mammal females become debilitated with large months old fetuses before giving birth to that.

Marsupials, as with other eusocial insects like preying mantis, gloflies, and wasps, are easily misoandrous and develop misoandrous traits. The female is dominant in behavior despite its size compared to surrounding males, who tend to take a more supportive stance to females than a protective stance.

Mammals, on the other hand, develop misogynous behavior traits more of the time. The males tend to grow larger than the females, and either protect or dominate the females, who are then relegated to looking after their young. It is also important that despite this severe handicap, mammalian predators such as lions and wolves leave much of the hunting to females, who assume supportive roles. In this case, unlike marsupial predators who can hunt at any time, males are relied on to hunt only when enough female hunters if a pack are burdened with pregnancy or newborns, or are ill.

Statistically more skill for males

Given these conditions, as in the case with lions and horses, the males of both animals grow larger, but unlike in lions, male horses also tend to be faster, stronger, and more aggressive than the females, while the male lion seems to be relegated to mating and child rearing. This also seems to be the case with many other mammal grazers and hunters, like sheep and wolves.

As in the case with humans, misogyny develops when the male human realizes this weakness in the human female, and takes advantage of her thru this weakness. In this case, the female animal is more capable than the male animal to mate, birth, and nurse children, but the act of mating and nursing for human females is time consuming and strenuous and risky for females, but not males.

Thus i have come to believe that a misoandrous marsupial humanoid would not have the same survival problems as the misogynous mammal humanoid. Most apes for example actually are misogynous and male led while koalas, who are similar in function, are misoandrous like most marsupials.


Humans typically do not remember their own birth. Why this is needs to be investigated further, since it causes association problems (kin selection) that may start as early as age 2. Child humans raised by females tend to associate themselves with females more.

One does not simply approach a wolf and ask it to consider the forms of its anatomy, or to contemplate its place in the ecology. The wolf, when given its own biological traits, which it has, will default to whatever the demands of its biology and its environment are. In the case of a wolf, it actually cannot digest many high fiber foods, is relegated to soft animal tissue for nutrition, and must hunt and kill and eat animals just to survive. Life for a carnivore is hell on earth for any animal.

Given this conditions, one may conclude that mammal predators like wolves, and not grazers, like sheep, form misoandrous behavior traits simply because a female wolf is urged to hunt and coordinate hunts due to greater demands of food than the males. Grazing sheep females simply need to eat more grass or leaves, while the male sheep are free to try to rear end the female sheep.

Such is the case also in humans and many other apes, if human males can provide food to human females, then the human female will be concerned more with child rearing than with hunting, but if the human female intends to provide for herself, her group, and her group members children, and yes, breeding males too, then those females should be much more aggressive and efficient killers, or getters of other sources of food, when they are not heavily pregnant.

In a pack of hunting apes, males would be required to hunt for females when and only when enough of the females in the pack are extremely debilitated. It also means that when birthing females are involved in the activities of a pack in a predatory way, that pack becomes more efficient when enough of its female members are sufficiently healthy.

We may not know if wolves have religion, but we know that humans do, and when one man dreams that certain things should be so, then so can one woman too. In the case where a belief system enforces the excommunication of females from all social activity, a concentrated group of birthing predator females should eventually evolve to be more aggressive, more efficient than a company of only males.

Why? Psychologically, while males will swear by they endowed physical or social traits, one trait is simply so. They do not issue the people. They do not consider what it takes to mate, gestate, birth, or care for themselves, because they do not produce themselves. When the logistics of these efforts are calculated, we see that the female hunting pack must be able physically and psychologically, to issue, feed, and protect her people. This is something males would not be demanded to do, so a female hunting pack should be a more comprehensive psychological force than a male hunting force. With the biological constraints still in place, females should make better hunters if sufficiently experienced and not too debilitated.


*it would also be beneficial if females could select for shorter gestation periods. It may cause higher rate of severe debilitation, but it may also eliminate the debilitation due to fetus getting too big. Then women would not be viewed as less than men as much, and misoandry and compassion for male disability may more probably develop in a group. Females should also select for strength, speed, and competence.

*A female image of ‘god’ may develop either with more education, or with more dominant females in more dominant stances or roles. The male image of ‘god’ is disinformation, since creation is a feminine trait which the female does naturally. It could be true that misoandrous animals may develop a female ‘god’ image of whatever is the female of that animal.

*misogyny is a deleterious trait that hurts long term population fitness for a variety of reasons, including the hampering of eusocial development.

Creating a simulation script in AutoIt to model the fitness of male versus female populations over time can be an interesting project. Below is a simple example that simulates population changes based on random fitness values and uses basic rules for reproduction and survival.

This code was written by ai

AutoIt Script Example

This script will simulate the population dynamics over a certain number of generations, with males and females having varying fitness levels.

; Constants
Global Const $NUM_GENERATIONS = 100 ; Total number of generations to simulate
Global Const $INITIAL_POPULATION_MALES = 50 ; Initial male population
Global Const $INITIAL_POPULATION_FEMALES = 50 ; Initial female population
Global Const $MUTATION_RATE = 0.1 ; Mutation rate affecting fitness

; Initialize populations
Global $malePopulation = $INITIAL_POPULATION_MALES
Global $femalePopulation = $INITIAL_POPULATION_FEMALES

; Function to calculate new population sizes based on fitness
Func UpdatePopulations($males, $females)
    Local $maleFitness, $femaleFitness

    ; Calculate average fitness for males and females (randomly generated for simulation)
    For $i = 1 To $males
        $maleFitness += Random(1, 10) ; Random fitness value for males between 1 and 10

    For $i = 1 To $females
        $femaleFitness += Random(1, 10) ; Random fitness value for females between 1 and 10

    Local $averageMaleFitness = Round($maleFitness / $males, 2)
    Local $averageFemaleFitness = Round($femaleFitness / $females, 2)

    ; Output current generation information 
    ConsoleWrite("Generation: " & @ScriptLineNumber & " | Males: " & StringFormat("%d", $males) & " (Avg Fitness: " & StringFormat("%.2f", $averageMaleFitness) & "), Females: " & StringFormat("%d", $females) & " (Avg Fitness: " & StringFormat("%.2f", $averageFemaleFitness) & ")" & @CRLF)

    ; Adjust populations based on average fitness (simple rule)
    Local $newMales = Round($males * ($averageMaleFitness / ($averageMaleFitness + abs($averageFemaleFitness))))
    Local $newFemales = Round($females * ($averageFemaleFitness / ($averageFemaleFitness + abs($averageMaleFitness))))

    Return [$newMales, Max(0, Min($newFemales, (($newFemales + ((Random(-5,5)))))))] ; Introduce some randomness in female count.

; Simulation Loop
For Global$generationIndex = 1 To NUM_GENERATIONS
   If Global$generationIndex == 1 Then 
      ConsoleWrite("Starting Simulation... Please wait."&@CRLF)  

   Sleep(500); Wait before next iteration to slow down output visibility

   Local Dim $__result__=UpdatePopulations($malePopulation,$femalePopulation)

ConsoleWrite("Simulation Complete!"&@CRLF)